Volunteer with Us!
You Can Help Us Save the Pollinators,
One Native Garden at a Time!

The Rochester Pollinators is a mission driven, volunteer based, grass roots organization that is a Committee of the Rochester City Beautiful Commission.
For more about our founding, mission and work, see: About the Pollinators.
Together with our amazing volunteers we are making a difference in our city and the surrounding area.
To date:
- We have supported or planted a total of 5 Public Gardens in Rochester that are either 100% native plantings, or feature a significant number of native perennials.
- We spread the word about the challenges our necessary pollinators face and how necessary native habitat restoration is in order to save them.
- We have succeeded in becoming 1 of only 4 cities in the US for 2022 to be recognized by the National Wildlife Federation as a Monarch Champion City for our efforts to educate and plant natives including milkweeds
- We are helping our neighbors in other towns to come up with their own plans for native plantings and helping pollinators
- Our busiest time for volunteer opportunities is May through December.
- volunteer shifts usually run between 2-3 hours and take place on weekends or evenings, with only a few exceptions.
- We provide you with instructions and support for any thing you want to help with! No experience is necessary!
- Each new volunteer is welcomed to the team with a Rochester Pollinator T-shirt to wear to events.
This is a NO pressure organization. Occasionally we send out an email with information about upcoming volunteer needs with a link to Sign-Up Genius. You simply choose what works for you and if you are not able to commit at the time, no worries! There will be other opportunities.
Examples of Volunteer Events:
- Spring and Fall Plant Sales: packing orders, farmers market table help
- Event tabling with info, educational resources and swag sales; examples include Blake's Lavender Festival, Green Fest at the Zoo, Paint Creek Trail Run, etc.
- public garden maintenance; examples: Dinosaur Hill garden, Avon Cemetery garden, etc.
- Invasive plant removal along Clinton River
Each September we have a pizza party at the Rochester Municipal Park to celebrate our accomplishments and have some social time together.
See below for pictures of one of our Volunteer parties and an image of all that we accomplished together in 2022!
We always have plenty of new opportunities!
If you are interested in Volunteering with Rochester Pollinators, please fill out the form in Contact Us. We will send a welcome note and add you to our list.