Upcoming Native Plant Sales and Educational Events

Spring '25 Native Plant Sales:


Rochester Pollinators Spring '25 Native Plant Sale

Open right NOW for online Preorders! 

Happy Almost Spring! This time around, we have 73 different varieties of native plants, grasses and shrubs. You can purchase them individually in three different collections: 

Native Garden Kits are a great way to go! Each of our 9 different kits have an assortment of plants that have been curated for a variety of conditions and ecological services. You also get a little discount on the individual plants by purchasing in the grouping.

Plants arrive on May 14

When you order, please follow the link in your confirmation to schedule your pickup date and time!

Mark your calendars:
May 17, 8am to 1pm 
Rochester Pollinators at the Rochester Farmers Market


North Oakland Wild Ones
Spring '25 Native Plant Sale

Link to Sale


Detroit Abloom Native Plant Sale

The Native Plant Store is open for preorders.

Target date for pickups is May 26th, when we have all of our 2025 stock.

A few days before pickups start, we will email each order with pickup information and a scheduling link.

All pickups are at our hoophuse/headquarters,

305 Newport St.
Jefferson/Chalmers neighborhood, Detroit.
Link to sale




Upcoming Educational Events:


The Southern Michigan Daylily Society Presents:

Famous Oudolf Garden of Belle Isle

by Richard Thomas, garden specialist.

WHEN: Saturday April 5, 9:30 AM 
WHERE: Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center, 4101 River Bends Dr, Shelby Township, MI 48317

Learn about the garden’s design with native plants and grasses. Design plans and listing of plants will be provided. Excellent for pollinators like butterflies, hummingbirds and Michigan native bees.

Note: A garden visit will be planned for an August Saturday morning


North Oakland Wild Ones Presents:

"Restoring Habitats of the Past to Protect
Habitats of the Future" 

WHEN: Wednesday, March 19th, 2025,  to (Eastern Time)
WHERE: EL Johnson Nature Center, 3325 Franklin Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI, 48302 Map

Free Event Chapter Meeting Program/Speaker PresentationPublic Welcome

Cam Mannino shares the transformational restoration work going on in the parks and natural areas of Oakland Township.  Abandoned farm fields have become flowering tall grass prairies.  A wet meadow along the Paint Creek Trail now blooms with rare to uncommon wildflowers that struggled to survive for 150 years after the arrival of a railroad in 1872.  An original bed of Paint Creek, long hidden in a tangle of invasives, emerges as a forest is restored.  If you need a spring jolt of inspiration about the importance of native wildflowers and would enjoy seeing the restoration magic happening in large natural areas nearby, this photo-filled presentation might do it for you!  

Cam Mannino graduated  from the University of Michigan and has a Master's degree from the U of M in teaching and counseling.  She worked as a high school English teacher, a school counselor and a foster care worker with Vietnamese refugee unaccompanied minors.  Cam has volunteered under the stewardship of Dr. Ben VanderWeide of Oakland Township for 10 years. She writes and does photography for a monthly blog on his stewardship website called Natural Areas Notebook .  The blog covers the plants, trees, insects, birds etc. that residents can discover in our 11 parks.