Native Perennial
Sun Exposure: Sun, Partial Shade
Soil Moisture: Dry, Medium
Soil Type: Loam, Sand
Height: 1'-3'
Bloom Time: August - October
Bloom Color: Yellow
Resistance: Deer
Attracts: Butterflies, native bees, birds
Pollinator Benefit: Larval Host to the Brown-Hooded Owlet, Camouflaged Looper, Common Pug, Striped Garden caterpillar, and the Goldenrod Gall Moth. Late season nectar source; value to native bees for pollen and nesting materials; supports migrating Monarchs; Supports Conservation Biological Control (A plant that attracts predatory or parasitoid insects that prey upon pest insects.)
A Keystone Plant that Supports 171 Different Species!!
Bluestem Goldenrod (Solidago caesia) Also known as Wreath Goldenrod for the way it blooms along the stem. The slender, purplish, branched or unbranched stems of this shade-tolerant goldenrod rise 1-3 ft. Smooth purplish, frequently arching stem covered with whitish bloom and bearing scattered clusters of yellow flower heads in the leaf axils, with a large terminal cluster. Small, graceful, arching sprays of tiny, yellow flowers top the perennial.
Pairs beautifully with Heart-Leaved (Wood) Aster in a shady area!